I am an editorial consultant for academics who publish in English.
Click here to find out what I do.
I will correct basic grammatical errors inter alia: punctuation; subject-verb agreement errors; misuse of apostrophes and quotation marks; erroneous prepositions; incorrect tenses. I will also edit texts and manuscripts to comply with the referencing criteria of journals and publishing houses.
I can sensitively amend abstracts and introductions to better reflect the content, and restructure paragraphs, sentences and sections to improve the flow of the text. I will often leave comments suggesting specific changes that are not essential but worth considering.
I will ensure that your word choices, use of metaphors, analogies, similes and idioms make sense within the context of your argument. Additionally, I make sure that each section flows logically from and to each other and that your conclusion is tight and precisely argued.

A bit about me
My background is in political science where I have a PhD in political theory and a record of publication. I can edit your material with a sharp grammatical eye whilst ensuring that the nuance and flow of your arguments are not 'lost in translation.'
I am an inveterate cafe dweller at home and abroad. I read much, write less than I would like, work odd hours, and often ponder the usefulness of the Oxford comma. For someone 'bookish', I have a fascination with technology and gadgetry, which I have a nasty habit of obsessing over. I currently have plans to add a blog to this site, with particular emphasis on the pitfalls of academic publishing and how to avoid my pet hates in academic writing. I might even write a book about it...
My clients are...
... academics, academic journals, and publishers working in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, who require careful copyediting and guidance to ensure that their work is as compelling in English as it is in their first language. I have the pleasure of working with highly innovative scholars who are regularly published in leading peer-reviewed journals and international collections.